

Latest publications

GM babies with 3 or 4 parents

GM babies with 3 or 4 parents

Calum MacKellar

Should scientists be allowed to create genetically modified children who have three – or even four – parents? The Government wants to let scientists go ahead.

Redefining marriage

Redefining marriage

For thousands of years and in virtually all cultures marriage has always been the exclusive lifelong union of one man and one woman. Yet there is now pressure to redefine marriage in law to create same-sex marriage.

Free Speech briefing

Free Speech briefing

Should the law criminalise “insulting” words or behaviour? Most people would say “no”. The freedom to disagree and to challenge received wisdom lies at the heart of a democracy.

The Spirit Level

The Spirit Level

Christians are being increasingly marginalised in our society. One reason for this marginalisation is the current discrimination law framework, which has undermined diversity in the name of equality.

Marginalising Christians

Marginalising Christians

Instances of Christians being sidelined in modern Britain

When ‘diversity rules’ are used to justify suspending a nurse who offered to pray for a patient’s recovery, as happened to Caroline Petrie on 17 December 2008, something has gone very wrong in modern Britain. This report examines the growing marginalisation of Christians and catalogues cases of discrimination.