
The threefold division of the law

The threefold division of the law

Jonathan F. Bayes

Evangelical-Reformed theology has long held that Old Testament law can be distinguished into three parts: the moral, the ceremonial and the civil. Jonathan Bayes looks at the history of this threefold division.

The moral law

The moral law

Its place in Scripture and its relevance today

John L. Mackay

There is much confusion amongst Christians over the role of the moral law. Some raise objections of ‘legalism’, others say ‘love’ has replaced ‘law’. Professor John L. Mackay shows that the moral law still applies and is bound up with God’s glory, his nature, his salvation purposes and with the preservation of ordered life following the Fall.

Common grace

Common grace

and the work of The Christian Institute

N. R. Needham

Dr Nick Needham explains how ‘common grace’ (God’s favour to all men whether they are Christians or not) is so helpful in understanding the work of The Christian Institute.