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Extremism against Christians

Extremism against Christians

Christians are currently the primary victims of extremism around the world. This briefing highlights the global harassment, intimidation and violence Christians face at the hands of extremists, both religious and non-religious.



A Christian critique

Philip Vander Elst

The profoundly anti-Christian nature of Marxism has been well understood and well exposed in Christian writing. In comparison very little has been written about the powerful new political ideology of Libertarianism. This has emerged from the political right, but its influence extends across the poilitical spectrum. In this publication Philip Vander Elst traces the roots of Libertarianism and considers its influence on politics today.

Magna Carta briefing

Magna Carta briefing

Magna Carta is “the greatest constitutional document of all times – the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot”. So said Lord Denning, a leading English judge of the 20th century. The charter establishes the principle that no one, not even the king, is above the law. This year we celebrate 800 years since it was agreed in 1215. Over that period it has been used to protect life, liberty and property, and as the basis for constitutional rights and liberties around the world. That is something for which Christians can thank God.

Stop GM Babies

Stop GM Babies

The UK Government wants to legalise the creation of genetically modified (GM) babies. The genetic changes will then be passed on to future generations. This is risky science. There are very real safety fears – for the mothers and children involved, and for their descendants.

The biblical basis of marriage

The biblical basis of marriage

God’s gift for the whole of society

Mike Judge

We have lost confidence in marriage as a cornerstone of society, and so we retreat to the safety of talking about marriage as a personal commitment rather than a social institution with significance beyond the couple themselves.