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The little book of non-violent extremists (updated)

The little book of non-violent extremists (updated)

This little booklet makes the big point that some non-violent ‘extremists’ turn out to be heroic people of global significance. The Government’s Levelling Up Secretary, Michael Gove MP, has published a new definition of extremism. At its lowest threshold, it includes promoting an ‘intolerant’ ideology that aims to “negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others”. Our little list of heroes could easily have been accused of breaching this threshold if it was in place in their day.

Abortion (Ireland)

Abortion (Ireland)

During the campaign to repeal Ireland’s protections for the unborn, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar pledged that abortion would become “safe, legal and rare”. Yet in the years since the 2018 repeal of the eighth amendment, over 28,000 abortions have already been carried out.

Conversion therapy (Ireland)

Conversion therapy (Ireland)

The Government intends to ban ‘conversion therapy’. A new law covering both sexual orientation and gender identity is being drafted, overseen by Equalities Minister Roderic O’Gorman TD.

Critical Theory

Critical Theory

Increasingly in our culture, the individual experience of those deemed to be ‘oppressed’ settles every argument and overrides objective evidence. Their perception is seen as all important. An ‘oppressed’ person’s feelings cannot be questioned. Feelings are more important than facts. (6 pages)