

Latest publications

The morning-after pill

The morning-after pill

Uncovering the truth

In this comprehensive but plain-speaking book John Ling sets out how the morning-after pill works and its wider social effects. Taking in evidence from science to philosophy, and from God’s law to British law, he argues that the morning-after pill demands a powerful Christian response.

J C Ryle

J C Ryle

The man, the minister and the missionary

David Holloway

In this short, easy-to-read booklet David Holloway gives an engaging and clear-sighted overview of the life of a giant of Evangelicalism – J C Ryle. Even those who are familiar with Ryle’s works may not know the real-life sufferings and heartbreaks of the first Bishop of Liverpool.

A call for Christian thinking and action

A call for Christian thinking and action

The life of Raymond Johnston

David Holloway

The life of Raymond Johnston shows how a Christian can be salt and light in society. This booklet examines his life and his beliefs. It shows how he was rooted in the Bible and the 16th Century Reformers, warned of the nation’s cultural disintegration and called for Christian thinking and action.

Gambling with our future

Gambling with our future

This briefing is a response to the Government’s deregulation of Britain’s gambling industry. The Gambling Bill 2005 is unprecedented in both its scope and aim of encouraging and facilitating gambling. Yet the evidence overwhelmingly shows the Bill will lead to a massive increase in problem gambling.

Sweden’s smacking ban: more harm than good

Sweden’s smacking ban: more harm than good

Robert E Larzelere PhD

Those in favour of a ban on smacking often quote Sweden as a role model. Sweden banned smacking in 1979. A primary aim of the ban was to decrease rates of child abuse and to promote supportive approaches for parents rather than coercive state intervention.