The Christian Institute Council
Dear Friend,
Many people today realise the importance of making a will. It is a natural thing to want to plan for the future to ensure that your savings and possessions will be dealt with in accordance with your wishes. If you do not have any relatives and you fail to make a will the State may take everything.
Having a will helps give you peace of mind. This explains how to go about making a will. It is quite simple and it is much safer to pay an expert a small fee to draw up a watertight will than to rely on a home-made will which may turn out to be worthless.
For most people their primary concern is for their families. However, many people also use their will to leave money to causes that they have supported during their lives. A great deal of Christian work is funded by gifts given in this way. Giving to a charity may reduce the tax on your estate.
When you make your will we hope that you will think of The Christian Institute. If you have already made a will you can easily amend it to include a gift to The Christian Institute. By leaving a legacy you will enable us to do more to promote Christian standards in public life and to fight for a better future for the generations to come.
If you have any questions about making a will, please write to me at:
The Christian Institute, Wilberforce House4 Park Road, Gosforth Business Park
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE12 8DG
I will do my best to answer your queries.
Thank you.
Trevor James
Treasurer, The Christian Institute Council