- 'Conversion therapy' law
- ‘British values’ in schools
- Abuse of Trust
- Anti-social Behaviour Bill
- Assisted suicide
- Choose Life
- Equality Act 2010
- Equality Oath
- Extremism Disruption Orders
- GM babies
- Named Person scheme
- No-fault divorce
- Ofsted inspections of churches
- Online Safety Bill
- Parenting law
- Reasonable Chastisement
- Redefinition of marriage
- Religious Hatred Bill
- Section 5 of the Public Order Act
- Sex education
- Sunday Trading
- The 'Prevent' strategy
- Abortion
- Christian Heritage
- Drugs
- Education
- Extremism
- Gambling
- Marriage and the Family
- Medical Ethics
- No-fault Divorce
- Pornography
- Prostitution
- Religious Liberty
- Transgender Ideology
- ‘Susan’ v Gateshead school
- Adrian Smith
- Angus Cameron
- Anthony Rollins
- Ashers Baking Company
- Ben & Sharon Vogelenzang
- Bideford Council
- Brian Dee
- Clive Johnston
- Cornerstone Fostering and Adoption
- Dale Mcalpine
- Foster carer v Gateshead Council
- Harry Coulter
- Helping away from the limelight
- Jennie Cain
- Joe and Helen Roberts
- John Craven
- Keith Bullock
- Kenneth Ferguson and Stirling Free Church
- Lillian Ladele
- Named Person scheme judicial review
- Nick Williamson
- Peter & Hazelmary Bull
- Pilgrim Homes
- Preston Down Trust
- Sectarian Bill (Scotland)
- Sexual Orientation Regulations
- X v Mid Sussex Citizens Advice