Solid Foundations II

2023 Autumn Lectures

We continue last year’s theme looking at some more key foundations of the Christian faith that help us live out the Bible’s teaching every day. We will explore wonderful truths revealed to us in the Bible, from the life of the believer to the nature of God. Join us as we encourage one another to make God’s word our solid foundation.

Jesus is clear that we must hear and obey his teaching if we are to have a solid foundation for our lives and for eternity. Those who follow false teaching are building on sand. So are professing Christians who trim their faith to fit in with popular culture. A house built on sand won’t survive the storms of life – or the judgment of God.


1. Maturity

The New Testament urges young believers to grow to maturity. When we repent and believe in Christ, we are to press on in our faith and obedience. As we do so, despite all the struggles, we will live a life of fruitfulness. This lecture looks at how believers can grow into maturity and not get stuck as spiritual babes in Christ.


You can listen to the audio version of the video below.


2. Good Works

We are not saved by works, but we are saved for them (Ephesians 2:9,10). Jesus told us to recognise a tree by its fruit. The New Testament repeatedly urges believers to do good works as the natural outworking of genuine faith. The history of evangelicalism amply affirms that those who truly trust in Christ will want to obey him and be salt and light, for God’s glory.


You can listen to the audio version of the video below.


3. The Image of God

Human beings are like God in so many ways, with our rationality, organisation, creativity and more. The ‘image of God’ cannot be reduced to one particular characteristic of man, but reflects humanity’s very nature. Therefore all people should be treated with unique dignity and respect. This has profound implications for the whole of human ethics.


You can listen to the audio version of the video below.


4. Holy Trinity

Believers should relate to God as he is revealed to us in the Scriptures – as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This lecture will consider why this is so important and why Christian worship should be Trinitarian. We must never reduce the Godhead simply to Christ, or to any other single person of the Trinity.


You can listen to the audio version of the video below.


5. Whole Counsel of God

Christ’s death and resurrection are the heart of the Gospel. But the Gospel does not just stop at our conversion. God’s word gives vital principles for living today and prepares us for our life to come. If the Church is to grow like Christ, “the whole counsel of God” must be our guide (Acts 20:27). All of life is to be brought under the lordship of Christ and false teaching is to be challenged.


You can listen to the audio version of the video below.