Iron sharpens iron

2024 Autumn Lectures

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17

From its inception, The Christian Institute has seen the need for Christians to think Christianly in all areas of life. This annual series of lectures from expert speakers has featured prominently in the life and work of the Institute for over 30 years. Now renamed in honour of our late founder and Director, this year’s Colin Hart Lectures will be free of charge. We trust that they will honour his legacy, and bring glory to the God he served.
Colin understood the value of ‘iron sharpening iron’, which is why the Institute has never been a one-man band. This year’s lectures will focus on the importance of fellowship and community between Christians. We are not meant to walk the Christian life alone. Fellowship with other believers, whether in local churches to which all believers belong, or among close groups of friends, is used by God to enable us to persevere and progress as disciples of Christ. Our speakers will consider examples of Christian fellowship and friendship.


1. A Theological Introduction

David and Jonathan. Ruth and Naomi. Paul and Timothy. These are just some of the deep friendships in the Bible which display the timeless principles of loyalty, love, faithfulness and spiritual growth. How can we build and nurture Christ-centred friendships today to honour God and strengthen our faith? Lecture by Mike Judge.


You can listen to the audio version of the video below.


2. The Oxford Holy Club

In 1729, at Oxford University, three men (including the Wesley brothers) gathered for the first meeting of what became known as the ‘Holy Club’. What began with humble intentions to have regular reading of Scripture developed into a club dedicated to prayer, fasting and Holy Communion. They were a group passionate not only about their walk with Christ but also about bringing the love of God to others in the community – from feeding the poor to teaching orphans how to read. Lecture by Revd Dr Richard Turnbull.


You can listen to the audio version of the video below.


3. The Haldane Brothers

Robert and James Haldane were fervent preachers of the Gospel, desperate to bring the good news of Christ to the people of Scotland. They conducted evangelistic tours, founded independent churches and established academies that sent out around 200 itinerant preachers to the Scottish Highlands and islands. They also engaged with the wider evangelical world in the UK and continental Europe, all the while striving for evangelical unity. Lecture by Kenneth Brownell.


You can listen to the audio version of the video below.


4. The Clapham Sect

In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, a group of evangelical Christians dedicated much of their lives to the abolition of the slave trade and slavery in England. Its most famous member is perhaps William Wilberforce, whose unwavering commitment to the cause has tied his name with the campaign’s success ever since.


You can listen to the audio version of the video below.


5. The Cambridge Seven

Seven remarkable young men, dubbed the Cambridge Seven, arrived in China in March 1885 to engage in mission work under the auspices of the China Inland Mission. Living examples of the call to “preach the Gospel to all nations”, their obedience to that call inspired many Christians to commit their lives to overseas evangelism. Lecture by David Campbell.