News Bulletin 31 January 2014
A last minute attempt by 2 Labour peers to introduce compulsory sex education into primary schools was defeated in the House of Lords this week — Boris Johnson is to be investigated over whether he banned a Christian charity’s advert for political gain — Church of England bishops have met to discuss the Pilling Report which recommends marking same-sex relationships in special Church services — Peers decided ‘not’ to insist on changes to the government’s Lobbying Bill which would have eased spending restrictions on pre-election campaigning — The Disney Channel has come under fire after featuring a lesbian couple for the first time in one of its family shows — A new and more ethical way of making stem cells that can transform into any type of tissue, is being heralded as a major scientific breakthrough — And a new audio recording of the NIV Bible, read by David Suchet – best known for playing TV detective Hercule Poirot – is to be released at Easter.