News Bulletin 25 October 2013
The western media are failing to report the widespread slaughter and persecution of Christians overseas, with politicians in the UK, the US and EU remain almost completely silent — Daily Mail columnist Andrew Pierce says that David Cameron declined an invitation to attend gay magazine Attitude’s award ceremony to collect a ‘Politician of the Year Award’, because he knew his push to redefine marriage was unpopular — In France, a court has ruled that mayors will to be forced to perform same-sex marriages against their religious beliefs, – those who refuse could face up to five years in prison — Singer Charlotte Church has spoken out against the pressure on young female popstars to sell themselves as sex objects — The US Air Force Academy is considering dropping the phrase ‘so help me God’ from its honor pledge after receiving a complaint — A couple who are being sued for refusing to rent out their venue for a gay wedding, are launching a parallel legal challenge to protect their rights — And a man who stole a 200 year old Bible from a church back in 1971 has decided to return it.