News Bulletin 24 August 2012
Supporters of campaign group Scotland for Marriage have been protesting against plans to introduce gay marriage ahead of a meeting of the Scottish Cabinet in Renfrew. S4M representatives invited to speak personally with First Minister Alex Salmond — Tony Nicklinson, the locked-in syndrome sufferer who campaigned for doctors to be allowed to end his life has died — A professor in practical ethics has said that human embryos should be genetically screened for ‘personality flaws’ so that parents can choose better children — Pro-life experts from around the world will be gathering in Edinburgh next month for a symposium on euthanasia and assisted suicide — The Conservative Party is set to lose substantial support from churchgoers at the next General Election because of the party’s bid to redefine marriage, a new survey has revealed — And a new Bible based game show ‘The American Bible Challenge’ has hit the TV screens in the US. The teams play for prize money which goes to help charities or missionary causes.