News Bulletin 22 November 2013
The Court of Appeal has upheld a ban on Premier Christian Radio broadcasting a 30 second ad on Christian marginalization — The Scottish Parliament has this week voted to press ahead with the introduction of gay marriage after MSPs had their first chance to debate and vote on the issue — A number of schools in Scotland are holding drop-in sex clinics where pupils as young as 13 can access tests for chlamydia and gonorrhoea — David Burrowes has said that the recent gender abortion scandal shows the practice is open to ‘dishonesty, illegality and abuse’, and called on parliament to stop turning a blind eye on the issue — New planning laws brought in have eased the way for more betting shops to open on our high streets — And a school in America has been threatened with legal action if it takes part in The Samaritan’s Purse shoebox appeal, Operation Christmas Child.