News Bulletin 16 November 2012
A High Court judge has ruled that bosses at a housing trust in Manchester were ‘wrong’ to demote Adrian Smith, who said gay weddings in churches would be “an equality too far” — Reacting to an article on assisted suicide, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali has warned of a slippery slope developing if doctors were legally allowed to help patients kill themselves — Chairman of ComRes, Andrew Hawkins, has written to David Cameron saying he has misrepresented polling data about the number of people who are in favour of the Government’s plans to redefine marriage — Techniques that would create genetically modified babies should be urgently opposed, according to a bioethics group — Coffee giant Starbucks is failing to filter out pornography from its free in-store wi-fi, leading to concerns that children could access inappropriate material when dining in their restaurants — And a man who has been in a persistent vegetative state for more than ten years, has communicated to doctors that he is in no pain – by the power of thought.