News Bulletin 15 November 2013
Christian street preachers could be caught by new powers proposed to combat anti-social behaviour, with ASBOs being replaced by ‘Injunctions to Prevent Nuisance and Annoyance’ (IPNAs) — The National Secular Society has launched a campaign to end the Christian ‘coronation oath’– Independent MSP Margo MacDonald has launched a new bid to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland which would allow patients as young as 16 to tell their GP about their wish to be helped to die — The BBC has allowed controversial academic Professor David Nutt, to appeal for funds to develop a ‘hangover-free alcohol drug’, during a Radio 4 interview — Christians and other people of faith aren’t applying to adopt children because they fear their beliefs will be a barrier — And Chris Juby has completed his goal of summarising all 1,189 chapters of the Bible into just 140 characters, and then sharing them on Twitter.