Conversion therapy (Ireland)


The Government intends to ban ‘conversion therapy’. A new law covering both sexual orientation and gender identity is being drafted, overseen by Equalities Minister Roderic O’Gorman TD.

But such a law could restrict the ordinary work of churches – prayer, pastoral care and preaching. It could also criminalise Christian parents seeking to bring up their children in the faith. In fact, any Christian activity which upholds the Bible’s teaching on sexual ethics could be at risk.

A similar law in Victoria, Australia, has made “not affirming someone’s gender identity” illegal. It even criminalises parents who refuse to allow their child to take experimental puberty blockers.

‘Conversion therapy’ is a deliberately broad term chosen by LGBT activists. There may be quack therapists and others who exploit people and use abusive practices. But verbal and physical abuse are already against the law, so this is not the activists’ true motivation.

They want a criminal law reaching into churches and families which they can use to force people to endorse LGBT ideology.


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