News Release
The Christian Institute launches Election Briefing 2019
Christian vote crucial to deciding General Election outcome
DOWNLOAD Election Briefing 2019
The Christian Institute has called on the UK’s political parties to re-engage with the country’s Christians as it launches Election Briefing 2019, an essential guide to the General Election.
Election Briefing 2019 offers analysis of party policies on many of the issues that matter to Christians as they consider how to vote on 12 December. It provides clear and concise insight into key subjects including freedom of speech, religious liberty, marriage and the sanctity of life.
It is available online today at as a PDF download and via an interactive webpage. 55,000 copies of the 48-page document are also being dispatched to churches and households across Britain – its largest print run to date.
Election Briefing 2019 is one of three resources from the non-denominational charity to help Christians weigh up how best to vote. Its online MPs’ votes tool shows how MPs in the last Parliament voted on specific moral issues. It is also supplying a credit-card sized ‘Question Card’. Christians are encouraged to carry this with them in the weeks leading up to the election to help them quiz their candidates on key policy areas.
The Christian Institute, with its dedicated team of seven researchers, has the resources and expertise to uncover where the parties stand on issues that matter. The briefing has 306 separate references. Cutting through the election spin, it highlights what the parties have actually said and done.
Before the last election, The Christian Institute identified restrictions on free speech and attempts to undermine parents through inappropriate state interference as likely areas of new legislation to threaten important Christian principles. Sadly this proved to be correct. Plans for Ofsted inspections of church youth groups were finally axed largely because so many Christians made their opposition known.
The last Parliament imposed same-sex marriage and abortion on Northern Ireland and weakened parents’ right of withdrawal from sex education lessons. Plans for no-fault divorce and rapid ‘sex swap’ procedures gained cross-party support.
In Election Briefing 2019, threats to free speech and the risk of weaker laws on abortion, divorce, illegal drugs and assisted suicide are all addressed – and more.
Colin Hart, The Christian Institute’s Director, said: “As Christians we must challenge those seeking our vote, those who want to run the country, and make sure they understand our concerns.
“When just a few thousand votes could determine the outcome of the General Election, all the political parties should be listening to Christian voters.
“Across the United Kingdom the concerns of the many who want to uphold marriage and the family, protect the elderly and unborn, and celebrate the God-given differences between men and women are being ignored. Attempts are even made to restrict their free speech by branding it ‘hate crime’.
“Candidates are often fearful to debate these issues because they might breach the tenets of political correctness. But Christians want to know where prospective MPs stand on issues they care deeply about. Politicians need to re-engage with the millions of Christians who are asking how to vote in this election.
“Many feel that the main political parties have been ignoring their concerns. But I would still urge them to vote and play an active part in the General Election. The state is a means of God’s ‘common grace’ for all people – not just Christians. In casting a vote we are choosing those who rule us. It’s a role we all have – and it’s a vitally important one.
“Finally, I call on Christians to pray for “all those in authority”. Pray they may have wisdom to make the right decisions when in power. Pray too that we may continue to be allowed the freedom to live godly lives and have liberty to share the Gospel.”
Copies of Election Briefing 2019 are available from, or can be ordered from The Christian Institute by emailing or calling 0191 281 5664.