News Release
Statement on Government’s further delay in issuing transguidance to schools
John Denning, Head of Education at The Christian Institute said:
“It is immensely disappointing that this guidance is delayed yet again. While the Government vacillates, children are left at the mercy of a wild west in schools, where misunderstandings of the law and disinformation in ‘advice’ from groups with their own agenda advance to fill the vacuum. Children are being harmed.
“When individuals try to raise concerns, those concerns are often dismissed, sometimes along with the person raising them. ‘Susan’ was unlawfully removed as a governor in Gateshead after raising concerns about her primary school delivering teaching which encouraged children to question their gender, only being reinstated when she commenced legal action and a judge quashed the decision. As part of the school’s formal complaints process, she escalated her complaint to the DfE and, over a year later, is still waiting for a decision from them.
“In another case, a teacher had to repeatedly raise safeguarding concerns to stop a teenage boy sharing a PE changing room with girls, in fear of the possible implications for his own continued employment.
“It’s the Government’s job to take a lead on this issue. They cannot avoid controversy, so must take a stand to protect children in our schools through decisive, determined action, which is needed now.”