The Christian Institute

News Release

Living Christianity Youth: Popular Bible study series from The Christian Institute now available for 11 to 16-year-olds

Living Christianity – the popular Bible study series from The Christian Institute – is now available as a free all-new version for 11 to 16-year-olds.

Living Christianity Youth has been designed for parents and those in youth ministry seeking to equip the next generation to be salt and light. Adapted from the original flagship series, it provides clear, engaging and biblically faithful content to help young believers aged around 11-16 to follow Jesus in every area of life.

It is available to stream online for free at and covers:

• engaging with today’s world as disciples of Jesus;
• holding a biblical view of the world and our role in it;
• living as Christians at home, school and work;
• valuing God’s good design for all areas of life; and
• living fruitfully as a Christian citizen in today’s society.

Superb graphics and animation are married with engaging study materials to present a compelling biblical worldview. This provides the foundation for tackling many of the controversies impacting young people today, including politics, gender identity and sexual ethics.

The Christian Institute’s Ciarán Kelly, one of the team behind Living Christianity, said:

“However young or old we are, we’re called to be full-time disciples – living the whole of life for God.

“Just like the original series, Living Christianity Youth is about having a biblical worldview for everything we do. There isn’t a separation between our ‘Christian life’ and the rest of our life. Following Christ transforms all aspects of the believer’s life, whether at home, at school or when we’re with our friends.

“There are so many pressures on young people today, especially when it comes to sexual ethics and ‘gender identity’. A Christian understanding of these issues is being marginalised, leaving many young people struggling to provide a biblical response.

“But if we want them to be faithful and effective Christian citizens, if they are to truly love their neighbours, they need to engage with wider society. That includes facing the difficult issues.

“The prayer of everyone involved with Living Christianity is that, through it, young Christians will be better equipped to follow Jesus in every area of life.”



Notes for editors

Living Christianity Youth is published by The Christian Institute. It is available from

The preview is available here

The original series, released in 2019, is fronted by Dr Chris Sinkinson of Moorlands College with contributions from UCCF Director Richard Cunningham, Caz Dodds, Revd Pete Nicholas and Michael Ots.

It is available to purchase from The Good Book Company and Living Christianity. Sales to the end of June exceed 10,000. It is also available for free to students.

What they said about the original Living Christianity series:

• “This series will equip the Church to pull together those often separate areas of life, so we can live joined up lives.” Richard Cunningham, UCCF Director
• “A superb resource for churches serious about making not just converts, but real disciples who shine as lights in a dark world.” William Philip, Minster, Tron Church Glasgow
• “Convincing and beautifully-produced resource aimed at encouraging and enabling Christians to be salt and light in their community, and in society at large. Practical, thought-through and inspiring.” disciple
• “The issues it contains are appropriate to the issues we currently face, and it is something that is not currently out there!” Mark Ventham, Pastor
• “The material in these videos is excellent, suitable for this kind of church use, for small groups and for individuals to use too.” D.M. Glasgow

The Christian Institute is a non-denominational registered charity for the promotion of the Christian faith.

It was founded in 1991 by Christian church leaders and professionals. With more than 60,000 supporters, including more than 5,000 churches, it is one of the largest organisations representing evangelicals in the UK.

Through meetings, print media and online resources, it helps Christians think through the implications of their faith, with a particular focus on issues like the family, drugs, education, free speech, religious liberty, abortion and euthanasia.