News Release
Councils drop Executive’s sex lessons materials after parents’ pleas
Scottish councils have embarrassed the Scottish Executive by removing some of the controversial sex education materials recommended by the Executive in its health education guidelines. Councils in East Renfrewshire, Western Isles, and Moray have reacted positively to parent’s pleas that the explicit sex materials should not be used in their schools. These moves follow the Institute’s continuing campaign which is also to be stepped up in the new school year.
East Renfrewshire Council has withdrawn Taking Sex Seriously and the Lothian-backed Pathways to Sexual Health from its draft list of sex education resources. The move follows a letter sent to the council from a Christian Institute supporter.
Letters from parents and churches in the Western Isles led to promises that the materials would not be used. Director of Education, Murdo MacLeod, said: “There are materials in existence that are not acceptable to us. We will not allow our schools the use of any material that would be unacceptable to parents.”
Moray Council Educational Services Committee has agreed to consult widely on a draft policy on sex education in schools. The consultation will include parents, school boards and local councillors. The Institute supports this consultation and will be making its report, Sex Lessons For Kids, readily available to consultees.
The Executive was ealier embarrassed when Education Minister, Jack McConnell, had to admit that the Executive-backed Primary School Sex and Relationships Education Pack was unsuitable. He said: “much of its content will not be appropriate for use with nine-year-old children.”
The materials hit national headlines in March after The Christian Institute produced a report exposing the outrageous teaching resources. The report was published on the same day that Section 28 ceased to have affect in Scotland. The Scotsman, which supported repeal of the law that bans the promotion of homosexuality in schools, was outraged at the resources, calling one a “perverts primer”.
The moves by councils to stop these materials being used in their areas has been reported in the newly-published Scottish Update – the newsletter of The Christian Institute (Scotland). Other stories include the proposed liberalisation of divorce law and the availability of the morning after pill in schools.
Director of The Christian Institute, Colin Hart, said: “The decision by some local councils to remove these damaging sex education materials shows that they are more in touch with the wishes of Parents than the Scottish Executive.”
“Parents do not want their children to be taught about sadomasochism, partner swapping, or anal intercourse. They don’t want their children to be sent en masse to the chemist to buy condoms for sex education homework.”
“While we are pleased for the parents in East Renfrewshire, the Western Isles and Moray, there are still many parents in other areas who are concerned about what the Executive has recommended for use in their children’s classrooms. The Executive must withdraw the list of health education resources. This issue is not going away.”
A copy of the magazine “Scottish Update” is available on our website at or contact: