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Adrian Smith Interview Special

Adrian Smith hit the headlines following an article in the Mail on Sunday revealed that he was going to take his employers to court after they demoted him over a private post he made on facebook. The Christian housing manager from Manchester had read a BBC report about same-sex civil partnerships in churches which prompted him to post a link to the story on his personal facebook followed by the brief comment — ‘an equality too far’. His bosses at the Trafford Housing Trust accused him of gross misconduct, removed him from his managerial position, and cut his salary by 40%. Last autumn Adrian Smith won his case with the judge telling him that he had done nothing wrong, and that his bosses had acted unlawfully. Adrian gave this exclusive interview with Jessica Khan to The Christian Institute.

2012 News Review of the Year

A review of 2012 including: Bideford Town Council’s right to say prayers — An investigation into abortion clinics falsifying consent forms — Coalition for Marriage was launched to protect ‘one man and one woman’ definition of marriage — Nick Gibb says Channel 4 sex-ed video is too explicit — The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee is celebrated — Lillian Ladele’s case along with 3 other Christians is heard at the European Court of Human Rights — Anne Widdecombe opposes government plans to redefine marriage at a Tory Party Fringe — The High Court rules that Trafford Housing Trust were wrong to discipline Adrian Smith over a private facebook comment — Peers in the Lords vote in favour of an amendment to a law that criminalises ‘insulting’ words or behavior, plus much more.