Zoë Wanamaker says too much TV is ‘violent and nasty’

Actress Zoë Wanamaker has hit out at modern television, saying too much of it is “violent and nasty”.

The My Family and Harry Potter actress is appearing in the BBC adaptation of Worzel Gummidge, which is set to air over Christmas.

It is based on Barbara Euphan Todd’s children’s book of the same name.


Wanamaker said: “I learnt on My Family how great it is when kids and adults can watch TV together.

“It’s very unusual and I think it’s missed now. Something that catches everybody’s imagination is to be lauded.”

“Too much television is violent and nasty. We’ve got that surrounding us in the world, so why should we have it on our televisions all the time as well?

“To have joy is always important, and to be desired.”

Mary Whitehouse

In 2016, columnist Sarah Vine lamented the media’s treatment of devout Christian Mary Whitehouse, who took a stand against the declining moral standards on television and radio.

“Today, when we look around and see a society so free of restraint that it barely merits to be called civil, it sometimes seems as though we are living in a post-moral age.”

Vine added that “most of all, Mary Whitehouse deserves an apology.”

Whitehouse passed away in 2001 at the age of 91.