Welsh First Minister celebrates LGBTQ+ sex education

The introduction of sex education covering “genders and sexualities” has been championed by Wales’ First Minister Carwyn Jones.

Speaking at an event in the Welsh Assembly hosted by homosexual news website Pink News, Jones claimed that “the days of traditional sex education are long gone”.

The Welsh Government announced last month that “Relationships and Sexuality Education” (RSE) will be introduced for schoolchildren as young as five.

Going further

RSE will be embedded within the curriculum – although the parental right of withdrawal is expected to remain in place.

Mr Jones told politicians and campaigners last Thursday that the Welsh Government is “committed to going further” on LGBT issues.

Mr Jones repeated his Government’s claim that all Welsh schoolchildren have “an inalienable right to be happy”, and that was “the driving force behind the changes we are introducing in Wales”.

…an inalienable right to be happy.

Wales’ First Minister Carwyn Jones

‘Must be appropriate’

The Welsh Government has said that RSE “must be appropriate” for children’s “age and developmental stage”.

Last month, Welsh Education Secretary Kirsty Williams said, “we will also ensure that RSE is fully inclusive of all genders and sexualities” and that it caters for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) students.

It will be introduced in 2022 as part of a new curriculum.

‘Ill-thought out’

But John Denning, The Christian Institute’s Education Officer, warned against the move, calling the teaching an “ill-thought out philosophy”.

“Every parent should have the option of a state education for their child in a school that will welcome them and help equip them for adult life.

“This includes the universal values of tolerance and respect for individuals. It does not include peddling adult sexual relationships which they are not ready for.

“Many parents will recognise this ill-thought out philosophy as being imposed on their children, to their harm.”