Video upholding biblical view of sexual ethics reported to police as a ‘hate crime’

A video calling on the Church of England to uphold the Bible’s teaching on biological sex, marriage and sexual ethics is being investigated by the police for a ‘hate crime’.

Ben John of Christian Concern was reported to North Yorkshire police over remarks he made about a trailer to the Church of England’s controversial resource Living in Love and Faith.

URC Minister Alex Clare-Young, a woman who now lives as a man, and who appears in the trailer, complained to the police after Mr Young denied that it was possible to change sex.

‘False ideology’

In the fifteen minute critique of the Living in Love and Faith trailer, Mr John described transgenderism as a “false ideology”, but one that the Church of England had already ‘welcomed and endorsed’.

In apparent reference to Clare-Young’s relationship with another woman, Mr John said: “In reality, if transgenderism is a false ideology, which it is, then what we’re actually seeing here is a lesbian couple. This man isn’t really a man. She’s a woman.”

Mr John also suggested that their inclusion in the promotional video by the Church of England was “openly promoting sexual immorality”.

Biblical understanding

Andrea Williams, Chief Executive of Christian Concern, defended Mr John’s comments and encouraged everyone to watch the video.

She said: “The video does not contain personal attacks and simply calls on the Church of England to uphold its Biblical understanding of sex and gender.”

She added: “Anyone who genuinely seeks to uphold traditional Biblical teaching, no matter how gently it is put is castigated by slur and name-calling.”

According to The Times newspaper, a spokesman for North Yorkshire Police confirmed it was investigating the matter as a hate crime.

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