UK regulator tackles online black market of trans drugs

The UK Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has cracked down on two websites illegally selling cross-sex hormones used by those who identify as the opposite sex.

The Government agency warned domain registrars to suspend two websites providing the “criminal supply of illegal” products, which present “a real risk of harm to public health in the UK”.

In response, Google has withdrawn one of the websites from search results viewable in the UK, but the other remains accessible.


According to investigations by The Guardian and The Mail on Sunday, several online pharmacies in different countries offer similar drugs to UK customers without a prescription. Some substances cost as little as ten pounds.

Although certain websites are targeted at adults, there are reportedly little safeguards protecting children from purchasing the drugs.

One undercover journalist, who pretended to be a teenage girl, was able to obtain a prescription-only medicine usually used for prostate cancer. Reddit users have pushed boys to use it, claiming “it’s pretty effective at basically making testosterone useless”.


One mother told The Guardian that her teenage daughter, who bought testosterone online before obtaining them from a drug dealer, later detransitioned.

She explained: “The thing is, my daughter has been left with permanent physical damage from the testosterone that she took illegally off prescription – permanent damage that will never resolve, that she’s got to live with for the rest of her life.”

Former Health Secretary Sajid Javid commented: “These powerful drugs were never designed to be available on demand but this investigation makes clear thousands of children are at risk. We must be relentless in stopping this trade.”


Last month, NHS England agreed to review the transgender procedures it provides for both children and adults following the Cass Review’s final report.

In a letter seen by The Daily Telegraph, NHS England’s National Director for Specialised Commissioning, John Stewart, said it will launch an evidence review and public consultation on cross-sex hormones for young people.

Dr Cass concluded that giving trans drugs to children is “based on remarkably weak evidence”, and urged the NHS to review its use of cross-sex hormones and ensure that gender-confused children receive a holistic assessment of all their needs.

NHS England has ended the routine prescription of puberty blockers to under 18s pending the outcome of possible future drug trials. Scotland’s Sandyford Clinic also announced that it is pausing the prescription of the drugs to new patients.

Also see:


Psychotherapist: ‘Trans activists accused me of conversion therapy to silence concerns’

NHS set to uphold ‘biological sex’ in all areas of care

Private clinicians who supply trans drugs to under-16s could be ‘struck off’

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