Twin babies saved by abortion pill reversal

A woman who changed her mind about aborting her twin babies, has saved their lives by going for abortion pill reversal treatment.

Alexis – not her real name – was around six weeks pregnant when she took the first of two chemical abortion drugs and immediately regretted it.

The assistance she received from pro-life groups stopped the abortion process.

Not too late

Alexis sought an abortion at a North Carolina facility.

During an ultrasound, the attending technician mentioned Alexis was pregnant with twins – something she had always wanted.

As she left, a pro-life counsellor spoke with her and told her that “it might not be too late” to stop the abortion.

750 saved

Alexis immediately contacted the Abortion Pill Reversal helpline, which organised immediate assistance for her at a local pregnancy centre.

Courtney Parks, a medic at the centre said: “We got her started on the abortion pill reversal treatment extremely fast. It was a matter of hours.”

The treatment works by giving the mother extra progesterone up to 72 hours after she takes the first abortion pill.

Alexis’ twins are now two of around 750 babies saved by the process.


Parks said: “They were tiny, little babies and they had beautiful, little heartbeats.”

“I just remember sitting with her in that ultrasound room and her crying, and just hoping that this would work for her so that she could save her babies.”

She said women are told that there is “nothing you can do” to reverse the effects of the first chemical abortion pill, but that’s “just not true”.

“We really just hope that this brings awareness to abortion pill reversal and the fact that it does save lives.”

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