Resources promoting radical gender ideology – including a book about a ‘trans teddy bear’ – are being used in hundreds of primary schools across the UK, it has been revealed.
In footage seen by The Daily Telegraph, a teacher at one school can be seen telling a class of ten-year-olds about Thomas the teddy, who declares “I’ve always known that I’m a girl teddy, not a boy teddy”.
The lesson plan at Prae Wood Primary School in St Albans was delivered as part of the controversial LGBT-promoting ‘No Outsiders’ programme.
‘Biggest peddlers’
Parent group Transgender Trend believes author and No Outsiders co-founder Andrew Moffat has “become one of the biggest peddlers of the ‘wrong body’ narrative in our schools”.
Writing for Transgender Trend, Shelley Charlesworth said Moffat currently markets his “‘child-friendly’ version of queer theory” under the banner of “Preparing Children for Life in Modern Britain”.Thomas the teddy took a deep breath. “I need to be myself, Errol. In my heart, I’ve always known that I’m a girl teddy, not a boy teddy. I wish my name was Tilly, not Thomas.”
Topics chosen by Moffat to promote LGBT ideology in the classroom, listed by Charlesworth, include drag queens, stories about being homosexual, same-sex attracted animals, adult males who identify as trans and rainbow road crossings.
Parroting trans ideology
One book added to the No Outsiders list for seven to eleven-year-olds, Charlesworth said, is You Need To Chill! by the “trans author and activist Juno Dawson”.
“Dawson has campaigned for a ban on conversion therapy for gender identity which would see open-ended exploratory therapy for children recast as conversion therapy.
“You Need To Chill! reads like a fantasy world in which both a ban and gender self ID are already in place.”
“The success criteria for the lesson which children should be able to parrot at the end is ‘I know we are all different/I know what judgement is/I can choose to be non-judgemental and accepting of others.’”
DfE action
Charlesworth concluded: “In light of the Cass Review and updated clinical guidelines from NHS England, together with the increasing number of parents objecting to inappropriate PSHE lessons, the Department for Education must be clear.
“No school should teach gender identity theory as fact.”
In 2019, parents protested against Parkfield School in Birmingham for “aggressively promoting homosexuality” through the No Outsiders scheme, and withdrew approximately 600 pupils.
MP: ‘Gender ideology in sex education has harmed thousands of kids’