Welsh schools are adopting ideologically driven policies on gender identity in the absence of clear national guidance, a new report has revealed.
Merched Cymru, a women’s sex-based rights campaign group, found that schools’ approaches in Wales included affirming trans identities, concealing information from parents, and allowing access to opposite sex facilities.
The Welsh Government has said that it will hold a public consultation on its trans guidance, which is currently under development, “over the coming months”.
Based on Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to a sample of secondary schools across Wales, Merched Cymru uncovered evidence of poor practice, with policies “based on inaccurate, discredited” and “highly ideological” guidance.
It reported: “Every single school of the 68 that responded to the FOI requests said that yes, they would facilitate a gender transition.”
The report added: “Important information about their child’s wellbeing is being concealed from parents and carers. Two thirds of schools said they would not necessarily inform parents of their child’s social transition, or would do so only if the child gave permission.”
It also found a “significant minority of schools support children to use opposite sex toilets (15%), changing rooms (15%), sports and even sleeping accommodation if they want”.
Parents undermined
One parent told the campaign group: “The school have referred us to social services three times now because we’re not affirming our daughter’s trans identity.”
In lockdown, the mum explained, her 15-year-old daughter Thea “suddenly announced she wanted to be a boy, after a lot of time online. There hadn’t been any signs that she wasn’t happy as a girl.”
She subsequently “went into school and told everyone she was trans, and a new name. She didn’t make any changes to her presentation, her hair, anything like that.
“I was quite forceful when the Head of Year called: ‘She is not a boy, we are not changing her name, and nor are you; I’ve told her she needs to wait until she’s left school and give herself time.’”
Family divided
She concluded: “Saying she was ‘trans’ definitely opened up new friend groups. A new teacher has started up a school LGBT club which has brought her together with others.
“Her Dad and I had agreed we don’t use the pronouns, we don’t use the name, but then he had a private phone call with the Head of Year about how she’s being hassled about having different names.
“He agreed that official stuff should remain Thea but informal stuff could be Tommy, the name she’s now moved on to.
“Now all the school communication is coming home as Tommy, so now I look stupid and that we’re not in this together. It’s really put a wedge between us and harmed our family.”
Merched Cymru believes its research “shows how schools in Wales are compromising children’s safety and wellbeing, and exposing themselves to the risk of legal challenge”. It has called on the Welsh Government to “publish draft guidance that is in accordance with extant law and not political aspirations”.
In December, The Christian Institute described new guidance for schools in England on issues surrounding gender identity as “a significant step in the right direction”, but said children are still lacking effective safeguards.

Teachers encouraged to embrace trans guidance despite activist pressure
CI: ‘Trans guidance for schools significant step forward’
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