Three in four say leave sex education to parents

Most people think sex education is best delivered by parents, according to the results of a BBC survey.

Three quarters of nearly 2000 respondents to the BBC’s questionnaire said that parents should tell children about sex, with less than a quarter believing it should be teachers’ responsibility.

Two thirds of parents said they were worried about their children having sex too young, with three quarters putting the minimum acceptable age at 16.

The Government has announced that sex and relationships education is to become compulsory for all children in state schools from the age of five.

Ministers insist parents will have a say in what is taught, but Labour MP Geraldine Smith has warned that the plans will rob children of their innocence.

Trevor Stammers, of Family and Youth Concern, has warned that “valueless” education will simply exacerbate the problems the Government hopes to address, such as teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Writing in The Times earlier this week, commentator Ross Clark said too much information simply gives children the impression that early sexual activity is the norm.