Tesco petitioned to ditch Sunday trading proposals

More than 1,500 people have signed a petition urging Tesco on the Isle of Lewis to keep Sunday special.

Alasdair Macleod, an elder in the Free Church of Scotland, the largest denomination in the Western Isles with 19 congregations, organised the petition. The population of Lewis, Harris and connected isles is around 21,574.

Tesco’s Stornoway store is its only UK branch to remain closed on Sundays, but it is consulting staff about opening seven days a week.

‘Ripple effect’

Mr Macleod said: “Many of us hold cherished memories of island Sundays as a guaranteed day of rest, relaxation and no work — a precious day of family time and worship. However, this simple yet profound day is at risk due to the concept of seven-day trading creeping into our culture.

“When stores and businesses open their doors on Sunday, it may seem like a convenience at first, but the resulting ripple effect leaves workers with less time to rest, less time for family, less time for church worship and invariably, a lower quality of life.”

He added: “If Tesco Stornoway, one of the largest shops in the Western Isles, opens on a Sunday then other businesses and organisations will be more likely to open on a Sunday too. They will sadly feel pressured too.”

Members of the public added several comments on the issue, including: “The Lord’s Day is a great blessing not only for Christians but for society.”

‘Precious heritage’

The Communications Committee of the Free Church’s Western Isles Presbytery has also said that it believes “this is a negative step, and one that would have a detrimental impact on our unique and quiet Sunday.

“Conversely, the biblical view of the Christian Sabbath is not negative but positive, having many spiritual, physical, social and mental benefits.”

The Committee concluded: “As a Presbytery of congregations in the Western Isles, we would urge Tesco to partner with us by protecting our precious heritage and reconsider their proposal to open their store on the Lord’s Day.”


Last week, Ministers from the Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) also called on the supermarket chain to respect the island’s long-standing Sabbath observance.

Although shops in Scotland do not have Sunday trading restrictions, employers must grant a shop worker’s request to opt-out of Sunday working.

Also see:

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