Student plans legal action against Bristol uni after bullying from trans activists

A university student is planning to take legal action against the University of Bristol, alleging she was bullied by transgender activists for two years.

Raquel Rosario-Sanchez filed a bullying complaint in 2018, after transgender students targeted her for chairing an event to discuss proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act.

The university dismissed her case last June and took no action against any student following the 16-month disciplinary procedure. She is now crowdfunding to sue the university.


Rosario-Sanchez said: “Trans activists used bullying in an attempt to stifle my free speech as a defender of women’s rights while my university did nothing to stop them”.

She said “masked protesters” threatened to throw eggs at her when she attended disciplinary meetings, and a pro-transgender group distributed pamphlets urging other students to chant “scum, scum, scum”.

The university required her to hire private security guards when she hosted further speakers, and activists wrote to the Vice-Chancellor calling her student society “nasty, nasty, transphobes”.

Rosario-Sanchez’s lawyer said: “Every student has the right to pursue their education in an environment that is safe from bullying and harassment.”


In 2018, Bristol’s Student Union sought to ban women who challenged the transsexual agenda from speaking at the university.

It backed proposals to ban so-called Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (‘TERFS’) from speaking on campus, with their views being labelled “hate speech”.

The motion was put forward by students after an event hosted by Woman’s Place UK, and chaired by Rosario-Sanchez, sought to discuss proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act 2004.

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