SNP wavers over Sunday Trading opposition

The SNP is hesitating on its pledge to oppose longer Sunday Trading hours, ahead of a major vote on the issue next week.

In November the SNP declared that it would stand against the plans, saying it would not “undermine shop workers”. With the SNP’s 50-plus MPs, the Government’s proposals faced defeat.

But now the Party appears to be wavering following discussions with the Westminster Government over financial arrangements for Scotland.

Firm commitment

An SNP source told The Sunday Post newspaper: “We believe the Government is coming to a position we can support” on Sunday Trading.

Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary Angela Eagle urged the SNP’s leader at Westminster, Angus Robertson, to “give a firm public commitment” to “safeguard workers’ rights in Scotland and across the UK by opposing the devolution of Sunday trading legislation”.

MPs will vote on the Government’s proposals to extend Sunday Trading on Tuesday or Wednesday next week.

Church leaders

Other MPs from the Conservatives, Labour and the DUP are expected to vote against the plans which are included in the Enterprise Bill.

Ahead of politicians discussing the issue, church leaders expressed their opposition in a letter to The Telegraph.

Leaders from the Church of England, the Roman Catholic Church and the Salvation Army said the Government’s plans were unnecessary.


They wrote: “We are concerned that the further deregulation of Sunday Trading laws is likely to disrupt the rhythms of community life that are so integral to the common good”.

… likely to disrupt the rhythms of community life

Church leaders

“In a world of increasing commodification the space for shared time and activities, central to human flourishing, is becoming increasingly rare.

“Needlessly extending Sunday opening hours will only exacerbate this trend.”