Sex ed teacher who worked as porn star can still teach

A sex education teacher who moonlighted as a stripper and worked as an adult film performer has been given permission to continue teaching.

Benedict Garrett told a disciplinary hearing that children should be taught there is nothing wrong or immoral with pornography.

Mr Garrett also boasted of a frank discussion with a year seven pupil about a sex toy.


The 31-year-old, who uses the assumed name of Johnny Anglais, argued that being an adult performer or a stripper should not be incompatible with being a teacher.

Last week a two day disciplinary hearing concluded that Mr Garrett was guilty of unacceptable professional conduct, but left him free to carry on teaching.

He also claimed that schools should adapt to the increasing availability of pornography, saying: “Pornography is here to stay, the internet is here to stay, social networking is here to stay.

“Being told that it’s wrong, that it’s immoral is not an appropriate response.”


Mr Garrett also boasted to the panel about how he would discuss sexual matters openly with pupils.

Describing one such encounter with a year seven pupil he said: “The student asked ‘sir, what’s a vibrator?’ I told them what it was.”

Derek Johns, chairman of the disciplinary panel, said: “You have stated that you will continue to advocate the morality and acceptability of your involvement in the adult industry and argue that it should not be inappropriate for a teacher to work as a stripper or in pornographic films.


“However, the committee is content that you recognise the widely held public view that such work is not acceptable conduct for a teacher.

“Therefore, in relation to risk of repetition, the committee considers it is unlikely that you will seek to return to the teaching profession whilst working as a stripper or in pornographic films.”

But Norman Wells, director of the Family Education Trust, said: “The vast majority of parents would be uncomfortable, to say the least, to have their children taught by someone involved in the sleazy world of the sex industry.”

Earlier this year it emerged that Mr Garrett was to take part in a debate on pornography at the Cambridge Union Society.