Serial male sex offender sentenced to women’s prison

A child sex offender who claims to be female has been sentenced to a minimum of 12 years in a women’s prison.

John Stephen Dixon, who uses the name Sally, was found guilty of 30 offences against seven children between 1989 and 1996 and sentenced to jail in HMP Bronzefield.

He began living as if he was a woman in 2004, although he still has not changed his legal sex by obtaining a Gender Recognition Certificate.


Barrister Ryan Richter told Lewes Crown Court that Dixon was “a brazen and callous sexual predator. He exploited young males and cultivated a toxic relationship with female children who he systematically abused throughout their childhoods.”

Detective Constable Amy Pooley of the Sussex Police Complex Abuse Unit added: “As one victim escaped this predatory interest, another would take their place, but sometimes some victims would be offended against simultaneously.”

Dixon was imprisoned for six months in 1997 for a separate offence, before his additional crimes were revealed.


In 2018, a male prisoner who sexually assaulted two women while in an all-female prison was moved to a prison for men and sentenced to life.

The man, known as Karen White, had been on remand for stabbing a woman in August 2017 and was initially placed in a women’s jail because he had told prison authorities he ‘identified as a woman’.

Also see:


‘Gender diverse’ offenders in Canada can choose their prison

Trans sex offenders placed in Scot women’s prisons

Men can be housed in women’s prisons, High Court rules

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