Another schoolboy has been introduced to his classmates as a girl, and this time he is aged nine.
It follows last week’s news of a twelve-year-old boy who had arrived at his new secondary school dressed as a girl and using a new name.
In this latest case pupils at the nine-year-old’s primary school were apparently told that he had left, but that a new girl was taking his place.
One parent at the school told The Sun newspaper: “My son came home from school and asked why one of his friends had become a girl.
“I thought he was joking, but he kept asking – that’s when alarm bells began ringing.”
She added: “My son is too young to really understand the significance of what’s happening. It’s hard to explain to him.
“He doesn’t understand the differences between girls’ and boys’ bodies yet. I’m terrified he’ll ask me if he can become a girl as well.”
Another parent said: “This is distressing for both parents and kids.
“This is the talk of the playground. The kids have been told to treat this new girl as they would any other pupil, but how can they? They’re confused.”
Just last week it was reported that a twelve-year-old boy had begun secondary school dressed as a girl.
It has also emerged that the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, which regulates the use of sex change hormones in children, is reviewing its guidelines.
Currently, hormone treatment is normally only allowed for over-16s.
Around 60 children a year in Britain are identified as wanting to change sex, although only around 20 per cent of them eventually decide to go on to become transsexual adults, officials told The Daily Telegraph.
There are fears that transsexuals are being offered physical surgery to deal with a psychological condition.
Critics point to evidence of transsexuals who later change their minds.
According to a Home Office report on transsexualism: “Many people revert to their biological sex after living for some time in the opposite sex”.
Doctors from the NHS Portman Clinic – an internationally acclaimed centre – have stated, “what many patients find is that they are left with a mutilated body, but the internal conflicts remain”.