Scottish activist criticised for linking pro-life views to fascism

Abortion activist Gemma Clark has faced criticism after writing an article linking pro-life views to fascism.

In an article for The Herald urging the Governments in Holyrood and Westminster to decriminalise abortion, she commented: “Scotland has resisted fascism before — and we can do it again.”

Two days later the newspaper published a letter from reader Martin Conroy in response titled ‘Recognising a baby’s right to life is not fascism’.

‘Fundamental right to life’

Conroy wrote in his response: “I notice that, in her zealous pursuit of abortion decriminalisation, Gemma Clark completely fails to acknowledge the humanity of the unborn child, instead choosing to smear those of us who recognise the fundamental right to life of all human beings as fascists.”

He continued: “An overhaul of the abortion law is long overdue. A reduction in the abortion time limit and an end to the pills-by-post scheme would be a good start”.

“Scotland doesn’t need more abortion – we need a proper national debate about how to humanely support women with unexpected pregnancies.”

Not healthcare

In her piece, Clark revealed that the SNP Government had responded that it “would work to ensure abortion was treated primarily as a ‘healthcare matter’”.

However, pro-lifers disagree that viewing the matter through such a lens is appropriate, and last year’s annual UK March for Life in September gathered thousands in London centred around the theme “Abortion isn’t healthcare”.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the Co-Director of UK March for Life, stated that “unborn children are not a disease to get rid of, but are humans, who should be treated with respect and equality. We need societal solutions that support both lives in every pregnancy”.

Also see:

Hand of baby and adult

Bereaved mums reject ‘dehumanisation’ of unborn babies

More than 6,000 unborn children rescued from abortion

‘Young, British and Anti-Abortion’: BBC spotlights the pro-life movement

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