Scots schools pursue harmful trans agenda for activist approval

Scottish schools are exposing vulnerable children to transgender ideology in order to please a controversial LGBT activist group, it has been reported.

Over 250 Scottish schools, including a school for children diagnosed with autism, are ‘championing’ trans ideology for accreditation under LGBT Youth Scotland’s ‘Charter for Education’ scheme.

In 2022-23, LGBT Youth Scotland (LGBTYS) received almost half a million pounds in grants from the Scottish Government, and a further £500,000 from local authorities and NHS organisations.

Trans slogans

Kaimes School in Edinburgh, with over 90 children and young people with autism on its roll, is signed up to the group’s controversial charter.

According to The Daily Telegraph, school notice boards display slogans such as “come out for LGBT”, “LGBT+ matters, be a part of us” and “trans women are real women” and has formed an LGBT lunchtime club.

The paper also reports that the school uses the ‘Genderbread Person’ graphic, which teaches pupils that ‘gender identity’, ‘gender expression’ and biological sex can all be different.

A school document suggests that people diagnosed with autism may “feel there is less need to fit societal norms” and therefore “feel more able to express and explore our authentic sexuality and gender identity”.


Retired educational psychologist Carolyn Brown said: “You would expect schools, especially ones that specialise in autism, to respond very cautiously and with great care in this area.”

“Instead,” she continued, “youngsters are being fed pseudoscience, presented as fact, and so are the staff. It is shocking and breathtaking.”

Autism expert Dr Jennifer Cunningham commented: “I have concern that this group are anywhere near schools in the first place as their pro-trans ideology is harmful.”

She added: “This is also a group that challenged the decision by Scotland’s Sandyford gender clinic to cease prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children and young people, despite all the recommendations in the Cass report.”

Activist agenda

In April, LGBTYS criticised the Sandyford for pausing the prescription of puberty-blocking and cross-sex hormones to new patients in the wake of the Cass Review.

Following the Sandyford Clinic’s announcement, the pro-trans group said it strongly believed the decision would “directly harm” young people and that it disagreed “with the recommendations made by the Cass review”.

The taxpayer-funded charity provides extensive resources to schools – including lesson plans, assembly material and posters – promoting transgender ideology. Two schools in East Lothian developed guidelines shaped by the activist group on hiding children’s ‘gender identity’ from parents.

Also see:


Brits increasingly opposed to trans ideology, survey shows

Wales urged to investigate national capture by trans ideology in light of Cass report

Sandyford clinic pauses trans drugs for new patients under 18

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