‘Scots schools breaking law on single-sex toilets’

Most Scottish secondary schools are unlawfully forcing boys and girls to share mixed-toilets, a campaign group has found.

According to For Women Scotland (FWS), only 13 of the 243 secondary schools it surveyed comply with equality law on the provision of separate toilets for boys and girls.

In 2020, FWS raised concerns about local authorities replacing single-sex toilets with gender-neutral ones in Scottish schools.

Safeguarding failure

The campaign group’s Director Trina Budge said: “Schools are breaking the law and leaving themselves open to legal action from pupils or parents, and they are also increasing the risk of the bullying and harassment of young girls by failing to provide safe single-sex spaces.”

She attributed the increase in mixed-sex toilets to the “introduction of gender ideology, which is now deeply embedded in schools and oblivious to the harms it causes children, particularly girls”.

Responding to the findings, Sex Matters Executive Director Maya Forstater called for an urgent update to guidance for Scottish schools in order “to halt this state-sanctioned failure to safeguard children”.

Freedom of Information (FOI) requests obtained by FWS also reveal that more than 95 per cent of secondary schools operate a gender self-ID policy, and over half allow boys to participate in girls’ PE lessons.

Trans activism

The Daily Telegraph recently reported that Scottish schools are exposing vulnerable children to transgender ideology in order to please the controversial activist group LGBT Youth Scotland (LGBTYS).

Over 250 Scottish schools, including a school for children diagnosed with autism, are ‘championing’ trans ideology for accreditation under LGBTYS ‘Charter for Education’ scheme.

FWS was told by one school in a FOI response: “We have a gender-neutral toilet block of 4 toilets which can be used by any person. The school has been accredited with LGBT Youth Silver award, and part of this award recognises our transgender policy.”

Also see:

Teenage students petition PM to protect single-sex spaces in school

Girls skip school rather than use gender-neutral toilets

Women and girls at risk in gender-neutral toilets, say campaigners

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