School halts explicit sex ed DVD after parents’ concern

Parents of primary school-aged children in Croydon have raised concerns about an “explicit” sex education DVD, leading to the school postponing showing the content.

One mum, Emma Reynolds, said that some of the material – which is part of Channel 4’s Living and Growing series – could be classed as pornography.

She commented: “We know our children best, and this is a disgraceful film to show nine and ten-year-olds.”


Joseph and Emma Reynolds expressed concerns about the DVD being shown to their daughter, who is ten.

An advanced screening of the DVD was shown to parents, but Mr Reynolds said he became concerned after he did his own research.

The school has now postponed using the material until further consultation. It says it never shows all sections of the series.


Mr Reynolds commented: “I’m very open-minded, but why does my ten-year-old daughter need to learn about boys having wet dreams or see two people having sex?

“At no point during the video does it explain that what is being shown is wrong for children of that age.”

Mrs Reynolds said: “The sex scene could actually be classed as pornography.”

She added: “Many parents are concerned and I know the teachers are uncomfortable teaching this subject so graphically.”


The Living and Growing DVD was temporarily withdrawn from sale because it is so controversial, and an edited version is now available.

However it was the unedited DVD that was set to be shown at Selsdon Primary School.

Headteacher Nicholas Wollaston told a local newspaper: “We have used selected sections of the Living and Growing series of programmes for a number of years, in common with many other schools.


“It has never been our practice to use all sections of the series.

“We make it clear in our prospectus that parents may withdraw their children from Sex and Relationships Education.

“Parents were reminded of that at the meeting when the video was shown.”

Later Mr Wollaston told parents that following concerns that had been raised after they had seen the content, “we will not be commencing until after further consultation”.