Record numbers reported at UK March for Life

Thousands gathered in London on Saturday to call for an end to abortion in the annual UK March for Life.

An estimated 8-10,000 people attended, more than any previous year, with banners and talks around the theme “Abortion isn’t healthcare”.

unborn children are not a disease to get rid of, but are humans, who should be treated with respect and equality

A pro-life health summit was held in the morning, with medical professionals speaking on the damaging effects of abortion on women’s health.

Healthcare doesn’t kill

Dr Haywood Robinson said: “As a retired family physician who practised medicine for forty years, I know what real healthcare is and I assure you, abortion – the killing of our children – is not healthcare”.

abortion – the killing of our children – is not healthcare

He asserted: “We are marching for life, not only because of the millions of babies killed by abortion, but also because of the millions of women hurt by it.”

He discussed evidence indicating a heightened risk of anxiety, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse for mothers following an abortion, stating: “Women deserve protection from these harmful outcomes”.

Voice for the voiceless

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the Co-Director of UK March for Life, explained that “as many as one in 17 women using mail-ordered abortion pills end up in hospital with complications”.

She continued: “unborn children are not a disease to get rid of, but are humans, who should be treated with respect and equality. We need societal solutions that support both lives in every pregnancy”.

Claire Culwell, who survived the abortion attempt that killed her twin sister in the womb, told the Parliament Square rally: “Today you get to see the face, know the name and hear the experience of the aborted baby.

“When people talk about woman’s rights they’re forgetting something very important – I am not my birth mother’s body, I was a separate human being.”

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Baby foot

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Quebec stats: ‘One in four babies aborted at 23 weeks born alive’

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