Psychotherapist: ‘Trans activists accused me of conversion therapy to silence concerns’

Trans activists must not be allowed to endanger young people by accusing clinicians who refuse to advocate trans ideology of ‘conversion therapy’, a psychotherapist in the Republic of Ireland has warned.

Jacky Grainger — who has worked as a psychotherapist for more than 20 years — said, in light of the Cass Review of child gender services in England, activists cannot be allowed to “stop people speaking out” who dismantle their claims that children should have a “human right” to trans procedures.

The psychotherapist suffered a “hate campaign” over an article she wrote in The Irish Times against the Irish Government’s plans to introduce a new law on conversion therapy. Activists told her university that she was a “conversion therapist who parents needed to keep their children away from”, causing her doctorate on “Gender Minority Youth” to be axed.


Grainger said that despite the Cass Review, “there are still those who will not, or perhaps cannot after so much investment, accept that policymakers and powers that be, through ignorance and fear, got it very wrong”.

show some modicum of courage and integrity and point out the rampaging naked emperor

She lamented that “no matter how lengthy, neutral and thorough a research review, no matter how high the number of de-transitioners (those who regret transition) rises”, clinicians, researchers, journalists, politicians “will still be accused of having an ulterior motive of wanting to damage children”.

The psychotherapist warned: “Distressing as it can be, if we take these accusations seriously, or let them in, then the children and young people are the ones who will suffer.”

Considering the “recent evidence mounting up from other countries for all to see”, she urged the Irish Government to “finally show some modicum of courage and integrity and point out the rampaging naked emperor. With children and young people’s health and lives at stake, I don’t think this is too much to ask.”


Last month, the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) ended its support for the Coalition Against Conversion Therapy, citing concerns about children.

Explaining the decision, UKCP Chairman Dr Christian Buckland admitted the pro-trans group’s call for a universal ban on so-called conversion therapy risked compromising the safety of under-18s.

The regulator has also withdrawn its signature from the coalition’s Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy in the UK for including children and young people in its scope.

Also see:

Cass: ‘Scots conversion practices law fraught with difficulties for clinicians’

CI dismantles ‘useless’ study on conversion practices in Northern Ireland

£1 million in taxpayer funds for LGBT lobby group which opposes Cass Review

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