Planned Parenthood tells US Congress: ‘Men can get pregnant’

US abortion giant Planned Parenthood has claimed that men can become pregnant, “especially” if they are women who live as though they are men.

During a House of Representatives committee on the effect of pro-life laws on women, Dr Bhavik Kumar of Planned Parenthood was asked by Rep. Andrew S. Clyde if men can get pregnant.

In response, Dr Kumar claimed that “men can have pregnancies, especially trans men”.


Dismissing a question on the reality of biological sex, Dr Kumar announced: “Somebody with a uterus may have the capability of becoming pregnant, whether they’re a woman or a man.”

But Clyde ridiculed his claims, saying: “I can’t believe it’s necessary to say this, but men cannot get pregnant and cannot give birth regardless of how they identify themselves.”

Critics took to Twitter, with users highlighting the difference between “fantasy” and “reality”, and asking why biology is “being ignored”.


In August, it was revealed that controversial lobby group Stonewall told Oxford University to “expand the definition of ‘mother’” and avoid using ‘she’ in order to “drive forward LGBT inclusion”.

In response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, documents showed the controversial lobby group’s feedback on how the University could improve its ranking in Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index, which rates an organisation’s ‘inclusivity’.

In 2020, the University ranked 76th overall and 11th in the education sector. Stonewall praised the University’s “gender neutral” family policies except for the use of the word ‘she’ in its maternity policy.

Also see:


‘Mother’ and ‘father’ scrapped from Connecticut’s birth documents

Nobel Prize winner: ‘Changing sex is scientifically impossible’

Australian woman sues over irreversible trans surgery

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