Planned Parenthood normalises prostitution to under-10s

An International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) resource for kids under ten has labelled prostitution a normal setting for sex.

Under key learnings for under-10s, the IPPF toolkit on “comprehensive sexuality education” places “commercial sex work” alongside dating and marriage as an “interpersonal relationship” which may involve sexual activity.

The resource mentions abstaining from sex until marriage, but this occurs in a paragraph about “restrictive gender roles” which have “harmful consequences”.

Problematic content

In key learning points for teenagers, the toolkit also claims: “Denying women access to abortion services is a violation of their human rights”.

Katie Brown, National Director of American Life League, commented on the absence of any mention of “chastity, expectant motherhood, fetal development, or parenting”.

She added: “Unfortunately, it’s not about how God created our bodies uniquely male and female to bring children into the world. No, Planned Parenthood’s top services are abortion and birth control”.


Planned Parenthood in America is one of IPPF’s member organisations, and is the largest provider of both abortions, and sex education in the United States.

According to its most recent annual report, ‘Above and Beyond’, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates performed 392,715 abortions in 2022-23.

The Charlotte Lozier Institute observed that this is a record number of abortions for the organisation and marks a 20 per cent rise in deaths over ten years.

Human Coalition President Jeff Bradford said: “The sick irony is that they are going ‘above and beyond’ not to care for women but to expand abortion.”

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