Parents not consulted on sex ed for five-year-olds

The decision to introduce compulsory sex education for children as young as five was taken without parents being consulted, it has emerged.

The only study of parents’ attitudes taken into account was ten years old and carried out by an advocate of sex education, according to newly-released documents.

The Government review group responsible for looking into the issue were also told that there is insubstantial evidence for introducing sex education before children become sexually active.

But despite this, the group went on to recommend compulsory sex education for children at primary and secondary schools. The Government has now pledged to implement this.

Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust, said: “While the review group sought the views of young people and teachers, no effort was made to speak to parents. It all adds up to show that parents are being treated with utter contempt.”

The news follows the story of 13-year-old Alfie Patten, who is believed to have got his 14-year-old girlfriend pregnant when he was just twelve.

The situation has sparked renewed debate over the issue of sex education, with advocates claiming Alfie and his girlfriend would not have become parents if they had had more information about sex.

But family campaigners say making contraception free and widely available and increasing sex education amongst children only adds to increasing pressure on teens to become sexually active.

They say children should be encouraged to delay sexual activity, rather than being given the impression that underage sex is acceptable.

Mr Wells said: “Unless we begin to address the issue of underage sexual activity we shall continue to see cases like this.

“The Government’s teenage pregnancy strategy with all its emphasis on sex education and making contraception freely available to young people is creating a climate in which teenagers think it is normal to be sexually active under the age of 16.”