Parents’ fury at lessons normalising under-age sex

Parents of boys at an elite public school have blasted its board after discovering details of a sex-ed lesson for their children.

In a virtual lesson 13 and 14-year-old boys at Winchester College were taught that they would not be prosecuted for having “consensual” underage intercourse.

Parents said the lesson, led by Dr Eleanor Draeger of It Happens, was inappropriate and accused the College of indoctrination.


Draeger told pupils “It’s just two 14 year olds who want to have sex with each other who are consensually having sex”, adding that “the age of consent is not there to prosecute or punish young people for having consensual sex.”

One source told The Telegraph that the lesson was a “Trojan Horse” that “hoodwinked” pupils “into thinking that underage sex is normal.

“Some of these boys have only just turned 13, they are so naïve at that age.”

Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education

A guide for Christian parents in England

There are good things that can be taught under the new arrangements but unfortunately the changes also provide an opportunity for campaign groups opposed to Christian teaching to push forward their controversial agendas in schools.

Transgender lobby

Parents also complained to the College that pupils were being “indoctrinated” by views from the “transgender lobby”.

During a discussion on chromosomes and intersex conditions, Draeger stated: “biology isn’t binary”.

On its website, It Happens “highly recommend” LGBT-promoting programme No Outsiders, which provoked protests from families for “aggressively promoting homosexuality” at Parkfield Community School in 2019.

Winchester College has claimed the teaching was taken out of context and is “in line with both NHS and WHO guidance”.

Also see:

Asda apologises for LGBT kids’ pack parents said ‘promoted paedophilia’

Kids as young as 11 told to define hardcore porn for homework

Warwickshire Council drops explicit sex-ed policy after CI intervention