Parents’ anger over Scottish sex education lessons

Parents in Scotland have challenged Education Secretary John Swinney over materials which ‘promote pornography’ in the school curriculum.

John Swinney defended the materials, which one parent said were ‘corrupting children’.

The exchange took place at a public meeting in Perth organised by the National Parent Forum of Scotland.


Mr Swinney, who is also Scotland’s Deputy First Minister, was questioned over a new relationships, sexual health and parenthood curriculum.

One parent said schools risked “normalising pornography”. Another challenged the teaching that gender is subjective, calling it a “very dangerous and confusing message” for young people. The parent also criticised the promotion of masturbation.

When the father gave a graphic description of what he claimed was being taught, he was asked by the Chair of the event to tone down his language. He responded by saying if it’s not suitable to talk about with adults, “how can it possibly be suitable to talk about in schools?”


He added: “Pornography is positively promoted in these materials as something beneficial and helpful. These materials are not educational, they are corrupting of children.”

Mr Swinney acknowledged the sensitive material involved, but argued that the material was age-appropriate and would properly equip young people.

A Scottish Government spokesman responded by saying that it is working closely with parents and taking their views into account.


Last month it was revealed that in Warwickshire children as young as six were being taught about masturbation.

Naomi and Matthew Seymour, who have two sons who attend a primary school in Warwick, removed their children from school for the week the lessons took place.

Mr Seymour said: “This sexualisation of our children is just totally inappropriate.”

“I think many families who had seen these lesson plans would feel the same way we did.”