A nine-year-old girl contemplated suicide after her teacher pushed her to become gender-confused, her parents have claimed.
The anonymous parents launched legal action against Debra Rosenquist at Terryville Road Elementary School in New York City for calling their daughter ‘Leo’ and addressing her with male pronouns without their consent.
The school only asked the parents’ permission when they were told their daughter had drawn a picture of a girl with the words “I feel sad like a lot” and “I wanna kill myself”. But they later discovered that Rosenquist had started addressing their daughter as a boy four months earlier.
‘Immense damage’
According to the parents, the school admitted the issue was “not handled properly” but they also said its investigation “was superficial at best” and it failed to “properly monitor Rosenquist’s classroom and train and supervise staff”.
The parents’ lawyer Debra Wabnik said Rosenquist “manipulated a pre-teen female into changing her gender identity when the child did not feel any inclination to do so”, causing the child and her family “immense” psychological and social damage.
The lawsuit explained that the girl suffered “trauma” from bullying over her gender confusion, which led her to becoming suicidal.
‘Try being gay’
Other parents reportedly complained that Rosenquist had pushed children to “try being gay” and live as if they were the opposite sex, as well as using LGBT activist books that were not in the school curriculum.
During a school board meeting to discuss the issue, a former student claimed the teacher “yelled at the whole class that we were all little sexist children” for socialising in groups of the same sex.try being gay
One parent, Tom, commented: “There is a difference between tolerance and acceptance. Being pushed into areas or having an agenda pushed down our children’s throats, it’s not what we’re supposed to be doing.”
According to the Defense of Freedom Institute for Policy Studies (DFIPS), at least three million children in 25 US school districts can be addressed as the opposite sex without parental consent, despite such consent being necessary before a child can be given over-the-counter medication such as paracetamol.
DFIPS found that eight of the country’s districts with the largest enrolment numbers, including New York City, had policies implying that “children who are not yet mature enough to decide when they need an aspirin are mature enough to decide whether to go through the school day as male, female, or something else entirely”.
The report noted that its study only examined a sample of districts, meaning the total number of schools with such policies across the US is “likely far higher”.
CofE school defends book promoting gender ideology to four-year-olds