‘Nothing for families’ in Govt mid-term review

Critics have hit out at the Government’s mid-term review, saying it does nothing to help families.

The Daily Telegraph’s opinion this morning is: “Other than attempting to refresh their own vows, David Cameron and Nick Clegg have done little for married couples.”

The newspaper pointed out: “Unfortunately, the Coalition is not just failing to help the family: it is engaged in a clumsy (if inadvertent) attempt to reshape it.”


And the Daily Mail said: “Regrettably, the Prime Minister also failed to fix a timetable for introducing tax breaks for marriage – a policy opposed, of course, by the Liberals.

“Instead, the coming years will be filled with distractions such as the gay marriage Bill”.

Within weeks the Coalition Government intends to introduce a Bill in the House of Commons to redefine marriage.


But it faces huge opposition from Tory backbench MPs and a new poll, published today, shows a majority in the Lords think the Bill should be shelved.

A separate policy to give a childcare tax allowance to working mothers has also faced criticism for penalising stay-at-home mums.

Dan Boucher of CARE said the plans showed “no recognition for the important work of stay at home parents.”