Nicky Morgan: ‘PM blocked my primary school sex ed plan’

David Cameron overruled Education Secretary Nicky Morgan’s intention to make sex education compulsory in primary schools, The Daily Telegraph reports.

The newspaper said she was referring to the Prime Minister “blocking her plan” to make sex education a statutory subject for all schools in England.

According to The Independent, Nicky Morgan ‘battled’ with David Cameron over his decision to block the proposals. Home Secretary Theresa May sided with Morgan.


Currently, primary schools are not required to teach sex education, but local authority maintained secondary schools must do so. The Department for Education has said that it expects the same from secondary academies, including free schools.

Morgan said state schools needed to have more explicit teaching about sex and pornography but complained: “Some of my colleagues have been squeamish about this”.

In February, the Government resisted calls from MPs to make sex education a statutory subject in all primary and secondary schools in England, apparently after the Prime Minister’s intervention.


At the time, spokesman for The Christian Institute, Humphrey Dobson, said: “Decisions about sex education should not be centralised. They should continue to be taken at the local level by teachers, parents and governors working in partnership.

“A national curriculum for sex education would see control taken away from schools and put in the hands of those who advocate the use of material which most parents would find unacceptable.”