Mums angry at plan to show sex ed video to primary kids

Angry mums have blasted a primary school’s plan to show pupils an explicit sex ed video, and warned that it could cause children to experiment sexually.

The video, a Channel 4 production called Living and Growing, shows a naked cartoon couple chasing each other around a bed and then having sex, while a voice-over gives a detailed description of the action.

Cliff Lane Primary School was planning to show the video to seven-year-old pupils, but outraged mums were left horrified after they saw the graphic DVD during a consultation.


Kara Munday, whose five-year-old daughter attends the school, said: “We are genuinely concerned that sexual activity would take place because they would be aware of what these parts do and how to make it feel nice”.

She added: “Their innocence will be taken away at an early age.”

Her concerns were echoed by Emma O’Brien, whose seven-year-old son attends the school, who said: “There are some body parts kids don’t need to know yet. They shouldn’t be taught that.”


Bryony Surtees, the acting head teacher, responded to the objections, saying: “We wanted to be open and honest about this sensitive issue as we are mindful that some parents have very strong views on this matter.

“In view of the objections raised, we will be reviewing the inclusion of the DVD.”

The Christian Institute has a copy of this video, but has deemed its content too graphic to show on this website.


The video was intended to be shown as part of the personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum.

The Living and Growing series has a history of prompting protests from parents.

In March it was revealed that a mother removed her seven-year-old daughter from school after pupils were made to watch the video.


In 2007 a primary school was forced to reconsider its sex education policy after parents complained about the controversial resources being used for their five-year-old children.

Sherwell Valley School in Torquay, Devon, planned to use the government-approved materials but angry parents complained that the Living and Growing video, which includes detailed descriptions of the effect of touching private parts, was inappropriate and offensive.

In 2006 families campaigned unsuccessfully against the introduction of the classes for five to seven-year-olds at Dobcroft Infant School in Sheffield.

And in 2003, horrified parents pleaded with Cambell Infant School in Dagenham, Essex, not to use the material.